We ensure children feel valued and secure by supporting every child as an individual, all of whom with SEND are welcomed and included in the setting as far as is possible. Where a special educational need has been identified then specific support such as an individual education plan will be put in place working with the child, Key Person and Parents. Any support given to the child will be reviewed regularly. Nursery is a purpose built setting on one level.
Application process
If you would like a place at Chapelfield Nursery then please check availability under rooms page, it may also state when the waiting lists re open if there is currently no space. If your child is 1-3 years of age there is very little chance of a place becoming available because our youngest baby room gets filled up and then the children progress through to the other rooms. Our preschool room is bigger so we take a handful of children in at 3 years of age. If you want an application form please call the nursery 01603 611147.